Aug 28, 2011

Erin Elizabeth Photography is now Erin Sacco Photography!
My new site has FINALLY launched and I could not be more excited!

Visit my new home at:

Jun 23, 2011

Hello Everyone!

I'm so excited to introduce the newest addition to our family (and the reason why I haven't blogged since April!). Meet Wyatt, born on May 21. This amazing little guy has turned our lives completely upside down in so many ways...never before have I been so in awe, so worried, so in love and so confused at the same time. I'm sure you'll become familiar with his little face as he is very likely to make an appearance now and then :)

I am SO behind on blogging and have a ton of adorable sessions to share; while I catch myself up, please say hello to our little man!

Apr 15, 2011

Christiana and Matt: Ocean Avenue Session

 Living in West LA, I've always wanted to do a shoot on Ocean Avenue in Santa Monica. Forget the pier and that gorgeous pool of water across the street; my secret crush is on the row of beautiful boutique hotels that line the East side of the street. Although each hotel has their own distinct personality, it's the combination of the buildings that I think is so amazing. Take a walk through the lobby of the Georgian and you instantly feel like a celebrity circa 1930...not a very common feeling in Los Angeles circa 2011!

It was almost too perfect, then, to hear about Christiana and Matt's own connection to the Georgian Hotel - . this was the very spot that Christiana and Matt chose to kick up their feet as their first night as Mr. and Mrs., four years ago almost to the day :)

Celebrating Christiana and Matt and their anniversary was one of the most fun and inspiring shoots I've ever done. To watch as they smiled, laughed and had SO MUCH fun together was incredible. Thank you, Christiana and Matt, for our afternoon together and for the preview of what I have to look forward to in the next few years :)

My favorite shot of the day...

Apr 12, 2011

Sneak Peek: Christiana & Matt

This may have been my most favorite shoot...OF ALL TIME :). Check back soon to see more from our amazing art deco-inspired shoot!

Mar 29, 2011

So This Is Nesting?

Preparing for a baby is more fun than I ever realized it would be; I am having such a great time getting things ready for our little guy! Everything will certainly be changing in a few weeks and I couldn't be more excited for everything that's ahead :)

Some of my favorite things, so far, about our world right now:

His very first toy, from Auntie Amy. She gave me this the week we found felt very surreal, to say the least!

 The first indicator that our extra bedroom is no longer for us to store Ernie's extra clothes and my arts & crafts stuff. Thanks, Grandpa, for all of your hard work in putting this together for us!

The start of his wardrobe. You can probably guess who bought him the shirt on the left :). He can wear the one on the right when he goes to UCLA games with Auntie Susan and I!

Just some of the MANY adorable things from Grandma Sacco. I still can't believe how small those booties are!!

And last, but certainly not least, our furry little boy. Uno is preparing for baby in his own way - making sure he has PLENTY of one-on-one time with us, taking naps on my belly and of course, making sure that he can check out all toys and movies for potentially violent scenes beforehand :)

It's Official...Spring Has Arrived!

 Last week, I ventured out to Burbank for an afternoon session with two of my favorite little friends, Bree and Sean. I love any chance I get to shoot both kids as they both remind me so much of everything I remember my own childhood to be - fun, silly and so imaginative! 

I remember being Bree's age and spending countless hours in the backyard, searching for my idea of perfectly shaped rocks - those that resembled hearts, unicorns and stars. Watching her so focused on finding her own little treasures was so amazing. If I were not so intent on capturing these adorable little moments of her, I would've gladly set down my camera for the afternoon to help her search!

Mar 16, 2011

The Hughes Family - Orange County Family Photo Session

Not sure if it was the holidays, the wedding or the excitement about the baby but I somehow COMPLETELY forgot to post some of the pics of one of my most favorite shoots of 2010!

I've known the Hughes family for many years and have watched as they've grown to a beautiful party of 6. Our last photo session was when they were celebrating pregnancy #4; it was pretty incredible to watch them all together with this little one in tow, now an adorable toddler! I had such a blast spending time with them as they played on the beach - digging in the sand, exploring the tide pools and hiding in caves. I would be lying if I didn't admit that I'm secretly hoping for pregnancy #5...with kids that cute, I think they owe it to the world :)


Feb 24, 2011

Meet The Newest Member

of the Mickey Mouse Club! This adorable little guy just turned two and we celebrated his big day with a stroll around beautiful Old Town Upland. I can't get enough of his incredible dimples :). Happy 2nd birthday, Aaden! I can't wait to watch you grow :)

Feb 2, 2011

Happy (early) Valentine's Day!

 Have you ever seen someone so fun to look at that you find yourself unable to look away? This is the case with little Reese. I don't know if it's her eyes, her perfectly coordinated outfits & hair accessories or the fact that she looks SO much like her mom...something about her just makes me smile :). We spent some time on the campus of the famous University High School to commemorate Reese's 6th/7th month birthday. 

PS: visit Reese's Hair Pieces for information on ordering adorable custom-made bows like hers!